Joe Rogan Questions Everything TV Show Premieres July 16th, Expect to See An Episode On Bigfoot

Joe Rogan, the former host of Fear Factor, will be starring in a brand new TV show on Syfy titled, "Joe Rogan Questions Everything". According to, the show will be about Rogan investigating classic mysteries such as Bigfoot and UFOs. On his radio show, "The Joe Rogan Experience", Rogan's interest in Bigfoot has spurred countless discussions and interviews people like Les Stroud, who claims to have multiple encounters with Bigfoot.
Joe's show debuts this July. Catch it on Syfy:
Joe Rogan Questions Everything (working title) – Premieres Tuesday, July 16 at 9PM (ET/PT) — Life-long unexplained paranormal mystery-addict Joe Rogan ventures into unknown worlds and untapped territories to search for answers to life’s most startling theories. Having explored these questions for years on his podcast, Joe now takes his journey to the next level, traveling the country and knocking on any door necessary to find the truth. In his own unique and inquisitive style, Joe will stop at nothing to quench his curiosity for the unknown. Production company: A. Smith & Co. Executive producers: Arthur Smith, Joe Rogan, Kent Weed, Frank Sinton, Michael Braverman, Tod Mesirow, Barry Bloom, Jeff Sussman and Chandra Keyes.



  1. Replies
    1. It's a wide open field since that FLAKE Rushferlife left. He wasa blemish on the buttocks of Firsting.

    2. ^^^ Knows nothing about the art of firsting.


  2. verify...nothing!

  3. Isn't Joe Rogan like three feet tall? And the producers are just not Jewish enough. Fail.

    1. A better title might be "Joe Rogan KNows Absolutely Nothing and Likes It."

  4. Syfy is becoming a joke of a cable channel. Riding the popularity of one show and bringing the paranormal field down to a shame. Did anyone see Deep South Paranormal last night? Awful.... just awful.

    1. Where else can you go for completely undistilled garbage like Ice Spiders, Sharktopus and Pirhanaconda? All that they need to do is ratchet up the jiggle factor a bunch and I would watch it all day long and masturbate like a chimp in a cage at the zoo.

  5. Remember when patterson claimed a bigfoot lifted up his car while he was in it? That was hilarious.

    1. The man was a bigfoot magnet; Prints, encounters and the infamous footage. Some guys have all the luck...

  6. Joe will stop at nothing to quench his curiosity for the unkown. Kind of like the Mayor after we slip him some roofies.

  7. I hear da brush poppin n stuff

  8. Them bigfoots are out there in the unclaimed woods. I remember my gramps saw a few of them way back in the 1930's he said they were easy to spook and would run like hell.

    1. You sure he wwasnt talking about beaners?

    2. No this was way up in the woods Washington state. No wet backs working deep in the woods on mary jane. It was the "big injuns" he said, they'd grab a hat if you got to close and run right up a mountain.

  9. 4/8-Blog #185-The Epiphany Video- If there is one blog you need to read, and one video you need to watch, set aside 110 minutes and watch this. Your ideas about life will change.

    1. No thanks. I can guarantee its complete BS.

    2. Paranormal Nation: Why America Needs Ghosts, UFOs, and Bigfoot

      by Marc E. Fitch

    3. This is what that website says-kind of appropriate when you read all of these mama's boys and their trying to be first crap

      Sometimes good people make honest mistakes. This is not about those people. This is about the willfully stupid people who actually work at being ignorant and staying ignorant, and who make it a personal mission to prevent others from knowing more than they know or doing more than they would ever dare to consider. It's about those who scoff at people 300 years ago for believing the Earth was flat, but are convinced they could never believe a similar absurdity. This is about those who ridicule and oppose anything they don't already believe is true, and who will diligently avoid any effort to fairly evaluate new, especially dramatically new ideas.

      It's time to FIGHT THE STUPIDS by boldly moving to the
      cutting edge forged by alternative science!

  10. I've liked Rogan ever since he told that megachurch pastor to go smoke weed and look through a microscope and find out there might be some other stuff out there.

    1. You talking about Joel Osteen? Well, it worked. He proclaimed himself god, quit the church, and said the bible is probably bs. Seriously.

  11. All shows save FB lump Bigfoot in with all sorts of paranormal inanity. The gang better hope the ratings don't pop on Rogan's show or Animal Planet will have Matt and crew hunting for ghosts.
    Would they sacrifice their dignity for a paycheck? The world is watching...

  12. Les Stroud is an excellent musician and singer/songwriter-you guys should do yourself a favor and look his stuff up.

  13. Joe Rogan is a douchebag. Why would I want to watch that crap? Just like this crappy website.

    1. "but" ha ha corrected it before the Grammar fairy appeared


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