Are All These Tracks Around This Lake From Bigfoot?

Youtube bigfooter Something Hairy In The Shadows is known for his outside of the box beliefs and claims when it comes to sasquatch. But in this video he goes back to looking at physical evidence in the form of track impressions around a dried up lake bed. There are a TON of tracks, and you can clearly see the frost on the ground. But are all of these tracks the result of bigfoot?


  1. Replies
    1. @4:01:00: Obsession? in case, you know what is?! and then Take care about

    2. BILL BROCK ... #1 cryptid beasts hunter

    3. Keep up the good work turdfoot. Turds for joetomi!

  2. They definitely are Sasquatch tracks.

  3. lookin lack tham mexicuns agains cawz thays heers ans stills comin heers

  4. Sneaking in with a lit cigarette in your hand? Give me a break!

  5. Bigfoot is real people!!!! Just another piece of bigfoot proof to destroy you skeptards. Look at the dermal ridge and blah blah blah blah blah. I'm so happy I'm gonna make myself a snack. Hmmmm what do I feel like? Oh I know, im gonna make a turd and jizz roll. Instead of the roll I'm gonna use turds. So basically it's a turd in the middle of 2 other turds covered in jizz. Yummy yummy put turds and jizz in my tummy.


    1. Fake me strikes again. What a sad toddler who can't seem to find his own way in life.
      Cheers mate


  6. You have GOT to be kidding me. Do footers really want folks like this representing them? Those BABY prints are human, you moron. And the larger, 18 inch tracks are depressions in the surface that are a natural artifact of the water. And...AND...could it be possible that the human prints were made BEFORE the weather turned cold? Just maybe?

    1. ^^ Holy denial Batman!!

      Great find "Something Hairy in the shadows!!"


    For people who live in hot climates and regularly face months of temperatures above 100 degrees and as high as 115 degrees and more, it's hard to understand how temperatures kill and for those who live in cooler climates, it may be hard for them to figure out how the desert dwellers survive. Here are 6 facts about heat, how it injures and kills - and what to do.

    1. Sorry Cady but this website is about turds and Bigfoot.

  8. The joint in the hand doesn't really help the argument.


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